GIS Projects
Hudson River Shorelines Draft
Hudson River
levels; Draft
HEP SOE graphics in progress
Odd Lots: Gordon Matta Clark, Queens 1974 & Brooklyn 2016
First Grade Neighborhood Study 1: Population Origins
First Grade Neighborhood Study 2: Population (in progress)
First Grade Neighborhood Study 3: Points (in progress)
Subway Service Area Analysis NYC
Subway access NYC
Subway access + population density NYC
Changes to Lower Manhattan housing + street trees 2002-2016
Brooklyn School District 13: Student Enrollment 2006-2015
Brooklyn School District 13: Demographics 2015
Geoprocessing with PostGIS and SQL
Montreal AirBNB listings with Google Streetview
Map of Manhattan geography 1609
Boeing 777 flight range/Geodesic buffer example
Migrant movement in Haiti and Dominican Republic
Odd Lots in Brooklyn 2
Noise complaints in NYC